Hell Yeah!
I got a kick out of shooting the credits at the end. Great movie man, especially the doomed mascots. Heh heh Dig Dug blew up some boobs =)
Hell Yeah!
I got a kick out of shooting the credits at the end. Great movie man, especially the doomed mascots. Heh heh Dig Dug blew up some boobs =)
That looks like a cartoon from a far side book from a long time ago.
You shouldn't dog your own movie. i remember everything in there except for hagin off a wall...i kinda remember dying if yuh fell down those holes. and why didnt you put in the 30 life code?
Thats was pretty cool
Good animation, Allthough I think that Daishi would have blown that chopper to pieces.
I'll give you some credit
I have seen far worse on here. For your first movie, it wasn't that bad. Next time though, you should really consider trying some animation instead of simply sliding some sprites around on a screen. I know it was your first movie so you are just figuring out how to do it. Also the machine gun noise was a little repetative. Get some different weapon sounds so you don't have the same sound over and over. It gets very annoying. good luck in your future movies.
oh hell no
C'mon man, diablo isnt that easy to kill. unless that was an ith =)
I think your first parody was a bit better. This one looks kinda like you just threw it together and prayed.
yea. i do that wiht basically all of them.
You gotta play it to like it
I like diablo, and you just covered most of the crap that happens during the game. Good move. when are you gonna pick on the 1.10 patch?
i dont wanna go too far with this. plus i never really noticed the differences between the patches.
Uh...seen it before
There is a game on PS2 called the summoner. that whole segment besides the narrator is one of the secret movies in the game when you view the credits. It was a good remake, but its still the same.
I fly kites during thunderstorms.
Age 46, Male
Locomotive Engineer
Covina, CA
Joined on 4/4/03