Hey that's catchy
Nice job man that sounds great. I gave you a 5 because i didn't want to bring your score down with a four. But I think it is still deserved.
Hey that's catchy
Nice job man that sounds great. I gave you a 5 because i didn't want to bring your score down with a four. But I think it is still deserved.
hey thanks for the review and the vote
Sounds nice
Not really my type of music, but the general melody kept me very interested. It sounded very clear too and nothing sounded out of tune. so nice job overall 4/5
thanks man
You did put it together very well, its just the wavy sounding instruments are kinda killing it. And i mean in no way to insult your work or tell you to change what you are doing, but a sharper sound would probably change your score ten fold.
you DO have the music part down, everything seems to go in sinc and the notes sound dead on.
Ok, YouAreMark. Thanks for you review!
Is it only me that thinks it sounds nice with "wavy sounding instruments"??
Quite Shpiffy
Nice work rye guy, i like the general feel to it, and hey you scored my 10th hour on my playlist woohoo!
I likes
Thats a pretty neat song you got there, gave you a 4/5. I like industrial stuff so ill have to add some of your stuff to my playlist.
Cool, thanks for adding me to your playlist!
That sounds nice
The only thing in it that kind of bugged me was that harsh brass instrument you used through the first half. try going with a softer sounding instrument because it seems to be drowning out your melody.
Thanks for the review. New music is up!
That sounds nice
You really are a good pianist. I would love to be able to play like that, but I lack the coordination for it. Good job and keep up the great work.
I can only say practice for coordination ;)
(This is what you hear all the time :P)
thx for your review^^
Sounded pretty cool
Well, yeah it did kinda sound like final fantasy music, but the beginning and ending parts kinda reminded me of music they would play when driving beside the beach in miami during a movie. I voted a 4 since I felt it deserved higher than an average of 2.50
Thanks you for voting it up, I'm happy that you feel it deserved better!
Of course music can be interpereted however you want to, I just said it sounded like FF8 Battle music because that was the concept behind it when I was writing it.
Right on!
I have the funkvogt cd this song is on and i gotta say i think your remix is better than their version. you know have all the deep bass but i like the way you played with the notes. this one is a keeper.
thx for the review
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Age 46, Male
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Covina, CA
Joined on 4/4/03